The National Examination Council on Friday released the results of the 2021 Senior School Certificate Examinations internals. The Council, through the Registrar, Prof. Dantana Wushishi, said 878,925 candidates, representing 71.64 per cent, made five credits, including Mathematics and English language. While addressing newsmen at the Council’s Headquarters in Minna, Prof. Wushishi said out of the 1,233,631 candidates that registered for the examination, only 1,209,992 sat for it. He said out of the total 1,233,631 candidates that registered for the examination, 687,389 were male and 576,242 female. He added that the candidates who made five credits and above, including English Language and Mathematics, was 878,925, representing 71.64 per cent, when compared to 2020 of 894,101, representing 73.89 per cent, a decrease of 2.25 per cent. Wushishi also disclosed that the number of candidates who made five credits and above irrespective of English Language and Mathematics is 1,226,796, ...